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Recreation Therapists of Indiana, Inc.

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Benefits of a Membership

  • Educational Opportunities

  • Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy
  • Discounts on Conference Registration Fees
  • Treatment Network
  • Job & Internship Posting
  • Interactive Website & Discussion Board

Membership Rights and Privileges

All members shall receive regular membership services as indicated. Professional, Associate, and Student members may vote, chair and serve on committees. Professional and Associate members may serve on the Board of Directors of RTI. Student members may serve a Student Representatives on the Board of Directors. Supporting members shall receive all services of RTI, but have no voting rights. The Offices of President, President-Elect, Pas President, Secretary and Treasurer of RTI shall be reserved for Professional members. Organizational members shall have no voting rights but shall be entitled to all other rights and services designated by the Board of Directors.

Membership Application

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