Recreation Therapists of Indiana, Inc. |
Sign up to attend before late registration rates begin on March 1st!
What is rti?Founded in 1993, Recreation Therapists of Indiana, Inc. is a professional organization representing recreational therapists in the state of Indiana. RTI is a chapter affiliated of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA), which is a national association empowering recreational professionals. Read more | RECENT UPDATES
Save the Date!Our 2025 RTI Conference will be held at the CRG in Plainfield, IN. March 6-7, 2025 Register today before late registration rates begin on March 1st! |
Student spotlightThe Student Center is live, but still undergoing updates. We want your input and student involvement in our state organization. It starts with you! Email us your ideas or share them with the board! Be sure to check out available internships and volunteer opportunities. RTI offers student memberships. Join today to receive emails and updates on all things RTI. | ATRA & NCTRC CONNECT
If you would like an open position published on our members-only job posting page, please fill out the form at the link below. Please note that all jobs are posted indefinitely unless RTI is notified via email with updated modification or permission to remove.
| TOWN HALL We'd love to see you in attendance at one of our quarterly town hall meetings! Check out our town hall page for more information. | TASK FORCE Want to become more involved in a specific area of Recreational Therapy advocacy? Check out our task forces and join to be a part of the action today! |
Want to share what you, a student, or fellow recreational therapist is doing in the field that deserves some kudos? Send us a photo with a brief description and any relevant links and we'll post the shout out on our homepage and/or social media. Let's showcase what recreational therapists in Indiana are doing throughout the state!
Please email us your kudos and we'll take it from there.